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Wordt het een zoon of een dochter?
ISBN: 9026946007 Year: 1984 Publisher: Houten : Van Holkema & Warendorf

En de mens schiep de mens : medische (r)evolutie en ethiek
ISBN: 9028912886 Year: 1988 Publisher: Kapellen DNB/Uitgeverij Pelckmans

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"Mag wat kan? Of kan alleen maar wat mag? "Dat deze vragen nù meer gesteld worden dan ooit tevoren, mag ons niet verwonderen: sinds de jaren '70 worden we geconfronteerd met een ware doorbraak van de technologische mogelijkheden. Uitmaken wat de mens ten goede komt en wat niet lijkt een haast onmogelijke opgave. In dit boek wordt de medische revolutie aangevoerd als model voor de technologische vooruitgang van onze tijd. Revolutionaire voortplantingstechnieken, het wegnemen en overplanten van organen, methoden om het leven te verlengen enz... komen voortdurend in het nieuws en lokken heel wat discussie uit. Het is van belang dat de maatschappij een grondige reflectie maakt op deze medische revolutie: de wetenschap maakt deel uit van de samenleving en moet in de referentiekader haar onderzoek plaatsen. Zo rijst de vraag naar de prioriteiten. Moet de medische wetenschap zich nu per se bezighouden met de dure voortplantingstechnieken, het scheppen van nieuw leven, of zijn er andere prioriteiten? Om hierover als maatschappij te kunnen oordelen, is degelijke informatie van essentieel belang. Enkel dan is men in staat de spitstechnologie en de medische revolutie hun ware plaats te geven. Dit boek wil hiertoe een bijdrage leveren.


Ethique philosophique --- Geneeskunde --- Médecine --- Wijsgerige ethiek --- Ethics --- Bioethics --- Fertilization in vitro. --- medical --- Ethics, Medical. --- Bioethics. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- 174.2 --- 241.63*5 --- arts-patiëntrelatie --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- vruchtbaarheid (fertiliteit, onvruchtbaarheid, steriliteit) --- transplantatie (orgaantransplantatie, weefseltransplantatie, allocatie van organen, donorschaarste) --- aids (HIV) --- levenseinde (einde van het leven, levenseindebeslissing) --- Academic collection --- #GBIB:CBMER --- moraal --- 603.1 --- Ethiek --- Medische ethiek --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Insemination, Artificial --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek) genetische experimenten transplantatie eugenetica --- relation médecin-patient --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- fertilité (infertilité, sterilité) --- transplantation (transplantation d'organes, transplantation de tissus humains, greffe d'organes, pénurie d'organes, allocation d'organes) --- sida (VIH) --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- ethics --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek) genetische experimenten transplantatie eugenetica --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- medical. --- Medical. --- #GBIB:SMM --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GGSB: Medische ethiek --- #GGSB: Deontologie --- #GROL:SEMI-241.63*2 --- #gsdb5 --- 17 --- 614.22 --- 179.7 --- $?$88/9 --- Z17.02 --- Z612.63 --- Z612.67 --- Z++89/10 --- beroepsethiek --- aids (Acquired Immune Defcience Syndrome, hiv, humaan immunodeficiëntievirus) --- arts-patiënt relatie (patiënt-arts-relatie) --- bio-ethiek --- deontologie (beroepscode, code, plichtenleer) --- euthanasie --- fertiliteit (fertiliteitsstoornissen, infertiliteit, vruchtbaarheid) --- geboorteregeling (anticonceptie) --- orgaandonor --- stervensbegeleiding --- 241.63 --- ethiek --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- (zie ook: terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- deontologie --- 243.3 --- General ethics --- Biotechnology --- Human medicine --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- transplantaties --- arts-patiënt relatie --- orgaandonoren --- voortplanting (mensen) --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- medische ethiek --- Hulpwetenschappen --- Ethiek en religie. --- Beroepsethiek. Deontologie --- Algemene ethiek --- Menselijke geneeskunde --- Biotechnologie --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Bio-ethiek --- Deontologie --- Medical ethics --- Book

Man-made women : how new reproductive technologies affect women
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0091627311 Year: 1985 Publisher: London Hutchinson

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Feminism --- Human reproductive technology --- Reproduction --- Reproductive Techniques --- Sex Determination Analysis --- Women's Rights --- #SBIB:316.356.2H3600 --- 241.63*5 --- Emancipation of women --- Feminist movement --- Women --- Women's lib --- Women's liberation --- Women's liberation movement --- Women's movement --- Social movements --- Anti-feminism --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Reproduction Technics --- Reproduction Techniques --- Reproductive Technologies --- Technology, Reproductive --- Reproductive Technology --- Reproduction Technic --- Reproduction Technique --- Reproductive Technique --- Technic, Reproduction --- Technics, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproductive --- Techniques, Reproduction --- Techniques, Reproductive --- Technologies, Reproductive --- Selective Breeding --- Reproductive Medicine --- Reproductive Health Services --- Human Reproductive Index --- Human Reproductive Indexes --- Reproductive Period --- Human Reproductive Indices --- Index, Human Reproductive --- Indexes, Human Reproductive --- Indices, Human Reproductive --- Period, Reproductive --- Periods, Reproductive --- Reproductive Index, Human --- Reproductive Indices, Human --- Reproductive Periods --- Assisted conception --- Assisted human reproduction --- Assisted human reproductive technology --- Conception --- Human assisted reproduction --- Human assisted reproductive technology --- Human reproduction --- Medical technology --- Reproductive technology --- Sex Determination Technics --- Sex Determination Techniques --- Analyses, Sex Determination --- Analysis, Sex Determination --- Sex Determination Analyses --- Sex Determination Technic --- Sex Determination Technique --- Technic, Sex Determination --- Technics, Sex Determination --- Technique, Sex Determination --- Techniques, Sex Determination --- Sex --- Sex Chromatin --- Woman's Rights --- Women's Status --- Women's Liberation --- Liberation, Women's --- Right, Woman's --- Right, Women's --- Rights, Woman's --- Rights, Women's --- Status, Women's --- Woman Rights --- Woman's Right --- Women Status --- Women's Right --- Human Rights --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Gezinssociologie: voortplantingsgedrag en sexualiteit: algemeen --- Emancipation --- Technological innovations --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Human physiology --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Female body --- Book

The challenge of reproductive medicine at catholic universities : time to leave the catacombs
ISBN: 9042917628 9789042917620 Year: 2006 Publisher: Leuven : Peeters,

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Ecclesiology --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Eglise catholique --- Ethique médicale --- Katholieke Kerk --- Medische ethiek --- Reproductive health --- Catholic universities and colleges --- Human reproductive technology --- Birth control --- Medical ethics --- Santé de la reproduction --- Universités catholiques --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Régulation des naissances --- Study and teaching --- Health promotion services --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church --- Catholic Church. --- Etude et enseignement --- Promotion de la santé --- Aspect religieux --- Reproductive Medicine --- Contraception --- Religion and Medicine --- Hospitals, Religious --- Catholicism --- methods --- ethics --- Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ) --- Academic collection --- #SBIB:316.334.3M50 --- #SBIB:316.331H364 --- 241.63*5 --- C1 --- voortplanting --- zwangerschap --- geneeskunde [medisch] --- Assisted human reproduction --- Assisted conception --- Conception --- Human assisted reproduction --- Human reproduction --- Medical technology --- Reproductive technology --- Catholic higher education --- Christian universities and colleges --- Human reproductive health --- Human reproductive medicine --- Reproductive medicine --- Health --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: algemeen, beleid --- Godsdienst en ziekte, dood --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Kerken en religie --- Technological innovations --- Health aspects --- Universiteit te Leuven (1970- ) --- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (1970- ) --- K.U. Leuven (1970- ) --- KU Leuven (1970- ) --- KULeuven (1970-) --- K.U. Leuven (Belgium) --- Catholic University of Leuven (1970- ) --- Catholic University of Louvain (1970- : Dutch-speaking) --- K.U.L. --- KUL --- Université catholique de Louvain--Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven. --- University of Louvain (1970- : Dutch-speaking) --- Université catholique néerlandaise de Louvain (1970- ) --- Université catholique de Louvain (1835-1969) --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Santé de la reproduction --- Universités catholiques --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Régulation des naissances --- Ethique médicale --- Promotion de la santé --- Belgium --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Population control --- Pregnancy --- Family planning --- Reproductive rights --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Prevention --- Katholische Universität Löwen (1970- ) --- Assisted human reproductive technology --- Human assisted reproductive technology --- Reproductive Medicine - methods --- Hospitals, Religious - ethics --- Reproductive health - Study and teaching - Belgium - Louvain --- Catholic universities and colleges - Health promotion services - Belgium - Louvain --- Human reproductive technology - Religious aspects - Catholic Church --- Birth control - Religious aspects - Catholic Church --- Medical ethics - Religious aspects - Catholic Church --- Universitatis Catholicae Lovaniensis --- Higher education --- Book --- Abortion

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